The Louisiana Infantry Regiment and
The Louisiana Militia Companies 1766-1821
Honor and Fidelity
These were the men who guarded an empire. From 1766, when the first Spanish troops arrived in the Province of Louisiana, ceded from France to Spain four years earlier, until 1821 when the last of the Bourbon gold and crimson banners dipped from the North American continent. Louisiana and the Floridas were the location of various campaigns, batttles, and military actions.
The military units which served in Spanish Louisiana and the provinces of East and West Florida were researched in the Spanish archives which included hundreds of service sheets, affiliation records, marriage requests, & military reports to help tell the story. The inclusion of more than 1,500 officers and non-commissioned officers who served is intended primarily to provide the historian and genealogist with a guide to “who was who” in Spanish Louisiana.“...Between the capture of Baton Rouge by Galvez in 1779 and the successful conclusion of the Mobile campaign the following year, Spanish and American troops had a field day attacking and capturing eight English ships...”
“...In 1805, as boundary commissioner, Caso-Calvo launched an expedition of troops and surveyors to determine just what the western boundary of Louisiana was. Governor Claiborne promptly gave notice to get his Spanish troops and leave immediately. He returned by a different route smiling at the evidence he had uncovered which showed the Sabine river was not the western boundary of Louisiana as claimed by the United States.”
Jack D.L. Holmes
ISBN: 978-1-68593-219-0
6x9 hardcover
258 Pages
Published: First Printing 1965, Reprinted 2025