Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!

Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!


Online Bookstore
Sell your book and shop other titles!
We offer our website and physical bookstore as an additional outlet for your book sales. Many writers don’t want to hassle with shipping books at the post office. Instead, they just refer readers to our site.
In addition to your book, we’re always looking for suggestions of out-of-print, regional, non-fiction titles that we re-publish ourselves.
What Types of Books are in the
Wise Publications Bookstore?
Louisiana History
We have gathered here for you, a statewide selection of Louisiana history, with an emphasis on hard to find local histories. We work hard to track them down and many of these are rare titles not found elsewhere on the internet.
Louisiana Authors
There is also an interesting variety of other genres written by indie authors. Children’s, Autobiography, local Cookbooks, Inspirational stories, and Motivational works.

Our Interesting Collection Comes From Multiple Sources...
Books in Print - by Commercial Publisher
We sift thru other publishers catalogs seeking related titles to offer our readers. There are hundreds of small presses around the country. Often we discover a university press might have published just one unique book that would be of interest to our readers. We obtain this book just as any other bookstore would and add it to our selection for you to find here.
Do you know of a good Louisiana history book for us? Maybe you have something on your shelf now to nominate. We would appreciate any good finds you know about.
Out of Print - by Author
Oftentimes, we track down the rightful owner and they inform us that they ran out of books years ago. This is an unfortunate, but common circumstance we find. So we offer to do royalty publishing. We manufacture the books upfront at our cost to sell over time, and the author receives a 10% royalty.
The author can also obtain more books at a good wholesale price for them to continue selling. Usually 10 or 25 quantity or even just one or two more for friends. Our bindery is setup to produce short run hardcovers. Our design department rescans the contents at our own labor expense and add a full color contemporary cover. Then we promote the title on social media and digital marketing.
We do have to be selective about which titles we choose to invest our monies on warehouse inventory, since we’ll typically sell only a few per year. But it can be a good deal for the copyright owner and they usually are happy to make the arrangement. It’s a good approach for a book that was already sold throughout the community, but now could keep providing some each year to new readers.

Rare Books - Re-published by Wise
In combing thru archives around the state, Mr. Wise discovers interesting & rare out-of-print history books. These manuscripts are over fifty years old, the author is long gone, and no one today even has a copy anymore. These works have been lost to time - what a shame. But historical content from long ago is more accurate than a rewrite and is usually much more interesting to read.
This is where our publishing house enters the picture. On-staff historians review the material and we often compile compelling documents from decades of museum archives. Graphic designers re-scan 100 year old photos and usually retype the entire contents. This takes our staff months while thorough indexes are prepared and the whole book is re-designed for modern digital color printing capabilities.
Then the all-new book is printed, published and publicized. We hope to sell enough over the next few decades to return our investment of labor. Do you know of a good rare book? Please contact us, we love to talk about history!
Books in Print - by Author
Most regional history books have been self-published by the author or a committee. These hard working historians have been compiling information for years. These books are then sold throughout the local community for a profit as a fundraiser.
Mr. Wise visits small town libraries throughout the state to find these gems. He reviews the content to see if it will be of interest and will sell. Then, arrangements are made for these authors to stock their books in our webstore also. The owners are usually pleased to have an additional sales outlet, so that now the next generation of buyers can find their books online.
Please let us know of any local titles so we can see about purchasing a supply of books wholesale to carry in our distribution warehouse.

New Titles - Edited by Wise
Mr. Wise selects & commissions several new titles each year. The staff always seem to be working on 3 or 4 at once, as the work moves thru different department. It’s good way to fill slow days. Want to suggest that we come to your community? We often work with a local historical society. Let us hear about your idea.
New Books by Indie Author
Wise Publications prints hardcover & paperback books for hundreds of self-published indie authors every year. We meet with each author personally & guide them through the process. All books are designed, printed, & manufactured by craftsmen right here in our Sulphur, Louisiana book bindery. Lots of non-fiction Memoirs, Inspirational books, Children’s and Family History. Also, a lot of e-books for Fiction novels. Please see our additional information at wisepublications.biz
These titles by local authors are available for order on our site and are often a more interesting read than the mass-market books you find at the store.